Thank you for your interest in using the content on Skint Chef.
The recipes, photos and text on this site are copyrighted material.
Please follow the guidelines and seek permission if you want to share any content, unless noted below.
Use of photos/images
Using a photo to promote the recipe or site
You are welcome to share one image provided you link back to the original post. Please do let us know if you promote the recipe.
Please do not share more than one image from a post without explicit permission.
You may not republish the recipe itself.
Using a photo to promote something else
You must request permission before sharing an image for another purpose.
Photos are not to be used a clip art/stock images unless licensing details have been agreed.
Use of recipes
You may not republish any recipes on this site without express permission.
We occasionally allow other websites or publications to publish our recipes, but this is on a case-by-case basis.
In all other cases, all recipes are copyrighted material and may not be published elsewhere.
If you want to modify a recipe from this site, please use your own photos and provide credit with a link back to the original post.
This website is protected by copyright, appropriate action will be taken if any infringement is taken.
Email [email protected] for any other questions or if you want to request permission.